JUNE 7 - 11, 2021
Registration will open in the Fall 2023
Although we have hung on to hope to hold the final McMaster EBCP Workshop this year (2023), the latest events in the COVID-19 epidemic have made it clear this will not be possible.
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The exact dates will be June 7-11, 2021.
Last Chance Ever to Learn EBM at its Birthplace, McMaster University!
Dave Sackett ran the first McMaster workshop 38 years ago in 1982.
The current team has been running the workshop for 27 years, since 1993.
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from all around the world – many of whom got their start at previous EBM workshops.
Therefore, next year’s McMaster EBCP Workshop will be the final one (June 7-11, 2021).
We will be celebrating the illustrious history, and the ascendancy of worldwide EBM.
So, if you ever thought of coming to McMaster for the workshop, this is the last chance.
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